Hi, I'm Manas Malla

Building solutions
is my ikigai.

a Designer, Developer, Speaker, Student and Tech Geek
I specialise in Swift Development, UI/UX design, Android development, Flutter Development and open-source contribtion


App Development

Why just stop at one platform when you can build for many?

Design UI/UX

Creativity has always been my passion, why stop now?

Social & Media

Sharing is caring, creating is my calling, why not do them together?


Got a project

Lets Talk!

A few things people
usually say about me

Praseeda Saripalle

There is always something that drives us and keeps us inspired.

If the driving factor itself is you, one could imagine how much energy is contained in you! And, the person who is so apt to resemble this analogy is Manas Malla. Being a creative designer by passion, and an Android Developer by profession, Manas has been highly excelling in any field given! Though I am ahead of him almost by 3 years of age, I never consider myself a senior to him when it comes to excelling in the amount of knowledge that he has in this field of development... Read More

Praseeda SaripalleLead @ GDSC GVPCEW

I am remarkable because...

1st Place - Seniors

The Intl. Asc. of Lions Club

Mathematics, Analytical Thinking, District Level; Visakhapatnam


GITAM - Startup India

Semi-finalists (Top 32) for our venture, STEMQuest



Finalists (Top 75) for our venture, STEMQuest with a grant of 1 Lakh

Swift Student Scholar


Top 15 for my WWDC20 SSC playground, BeCoronaReady!

Java Level 1 & 2

The Cambridge Cert. Auth.

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

Swift Level 1 & 2

The Cambridge Cert. Auth.

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

1st Place

Internal SiH, GITAM

Earned 10K for our venture, AutoSmith in the 24 hour hackathon

iiO Class Topper


VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

Top 40%

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

The video scored in the Top 40 percent of all videos in the Peer-to-Peer judging.

1st Place

Bharat Art Gallery

Conducted on the theme of 'Independence Day'!

ConcART Finalist

DevFest India '21

Choosing a technology and explaining it through art, either made digitally or free-hand. I submitted a digital artwork explaining and exploring the all new and the most personal Android OS ever, Android 12 with Material You!

Resource Person and Mentor


#STEPCONE 2023 - Annual Technical Paper And Contest Expo

1st Prize

World Ocean Science Congress

Poster Presentation: EcoFun, an app to solve climate change

Poster Presentation


VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

Completed 3 levels

Brainobrain Intl. Abacus

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

SpellBees Finalist

Oakridge Intl. School

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

1st Prize


VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

1st Place - Seniors

The Intl. Asc. of Lions Club

Mathematics, Analytical Thinking, District Level; Visakhapatnam


GITAM - Startup India

Semi-finalists (Top 32) for our venture, STEMQuest



Finalists (Top 75) for our venture, STEMQuest with a grant of 1 Lakh

Swift Student Scholar


Top 15 for my WWDC20 SSC playground, BeCoronaReady!

Java Level 1 & 2

The Cambridge Cert. Auth.

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

Swift Level 1 & 2

The Cambridge Cert. Auth.

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

1st Place

Internal SiH, GITAM

Earned 10K for our venture, AutoSmith in the 24 hour hackathon

iiO Class Topper


VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

Top 40%

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

The video scored in the Top 40 percent of all videos in the Peer-to-Peer judging.

1st Place

Bharat Art Gallery

Conducted on the theme of 'Independence Day'!

ConcART Finalist

DevFest India '21

Choosing a technology and explaining it through art, either made digitally or free-hand. I submitted a digital artwork explaining and exploring the all new and the most personal Android OS ever, Android 12 with Material You!

Resource Person and Mentor


#STEPCONE 2023 - Annual Technical Paper And Contest Expo

1st Prize

World Ocean Science Congress

Poster Presentation: EcoFun, an app to solve climate change

Poster Presentation


VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

Completed 3 levels

Brainobrain Intl. Abacus

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

SpellBees Finalist

Oakridge Intl. School

VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

1st Prize


VLSE Symposium: Poster Presentation - Quantum Walk

The Work I do

ASquare Gokarting

ASquare Gokarting

An adventurous theme park with a play arena, drive-in, and race track that is considered to be India's longest track. Come and test your skills on this route with your friends and family.



Nandikrushi is an e-commerce platform where certified natural farmers post their produce and consumers close to the farmer location will buy them.

Aham Svastha

Aham Svastha

Aham Svastha motivates you to be fit and healthy in the busy-driven world by retreating to the golden-olden traditions: Yoga, Eating healthy food, Exercising, Drinking adequate water, Sufficient Sleep!



Bringing awareness to people about the precautions, preventions and things to protect ourselves from COVID19 as well as preserve and enrich our health in a playful and interactive way for everyone.

Let me know if you want to talk about a potential collaboration. I'm available for freelance work.

Let's build good things together