Praseeda Saripalle


There is always something that drives us and keeps us inspired.

If the driving factor itself is you, one could imagine how much energy is contained in you! And, the person who is so apt to resemble this analogy is Manas Malla. Being a creative designer by passion, and an Android Developer by profession, Manas has been highly excelling in any field given! Though I am ahead of him almost by 3 years of age, I never consider myself a senior to him when it comes to excelling in the amount of knowledge that he has in this field of development. Whenever I get to meet him, I always learn something new, he is just a library of knowledge, content, and information!

Our common interest in Community Learning inspired us to join Google Developer Groups/WomenTechmakers Vizag. As a volunteer involved with the core activities, I keenly looked into the work that Manas has been effortlessly contributing to the community. He is just a perfectionist in anything he does. His design and creative skills are to the peaks. And lot more to learn from him technically!

As the famous saying goes, "Peer-Pressure is Poisonous, Peer-Learning is Precious", Manas has always been that person who is anytime approachable to anyone. He is so down to earth, he is always ever-ready to help his peers or whoever approaches him with a similar interest. His passion for teaching and making peer learning happen in the community, has made this happen- He was selected as Android Study Jams Facilitator for the community. With that, he has been teaching the best content in the most easily understandable way to hundreds of students. Adding more to this, he is also WWDC20 Swift Student Scholar and started interning as a Developer when he was just in his in 12th Grade!

More and More laurels to Manas! Wish him all the very best in his future endeavors.